Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mood Disorders - Depression

by Sparky Pictures, Inc. The study results conclude that mood disorder and depression are two Faces of the same coin. We can call depression as a sy

 ... depression treatment for anxiety what is unipolar depressive disorder
... depression treatment for anxiety what is unipolar depressive disorder

by Sparky Pictures, Inc.

The study results conclude that mood disorder and depression are two Faces of the same coin. We can call depression as a symptom of mood disorder. Feeling of hopelessness, apathy and low energy are indications of depression. Mood disorder is also characterized by failures and rejections in ones life. It is both a psychotic and a neurotic condition.

Depression is mainly because of the consequences of life such as the death of kin etc. Most of these kinds of depression (bipolar) fade away with the time and as one takes the new situation in his/her stride. It is not for nothing that they say time is the best healer. The chronic mood disorders (unipolar), in some cases genetic, require medical attention as they can be life threatening (suicides). The unipolar mood disorders are major types and clinical attention is necessary. No amount of love from kin, positive thinking or counseling can help. Medical assistance is imperative to cure the depression spread over sessions. Lack of treatment can result in permanent behavioral disorder.

Off late is believed that depression is connected to deficiency of norepinephrine and serotonin. Drug therapy uses various antidepressants. Caution needs to be exercised in administration of drug supplements in bipolar patients. Mood disorders or depressions of unipolar type has benefited from electroconvulsive therapy.

Psychologists have argued in recent years that the depression or the mood disorder is a result of learned helplessness when a person understands his actions have been useless and looses hope. It is also found that such people are emotionally dependent on others for morale boosting.

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Related video about Mood Disorders - Depression

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How we help with anxiety depression mood disorders Ame Dr Daniel Amen discusses how the Amen Clinics can help with treating depression anxiety attacks other mood disorders Please visit Mood Disorders - Depression

Commonly question about Mood Disorders - Depression

Question :

What is the difference between mood disorders and depression?

Is it that mood disorders aren t for long periods for time? Or is depression a subcategory of mood disorders
Answer :
Depression is a category under the umbrella of mood disorders.

Under the umbrella of mood disorders include some of these other disorders:

Dsythymic Disorder - characterized by at least 2 years of depressed mood for more days than not, accompanied by additional depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for Major Depressive Disorder.

Bipolar I - characterized by one or more manic or mixed episodes, usually accompanied by Major Depressive Espisodes.

Bipolar II - characterized by one or more Major Depressive Episodes accompanied by at least one Hypomanic Espisode

Major Depressive Disorder - characterized by by one or more Major Depressive Episodes (i.e., at least 2 weeks of depressed mood or loss of interest accompanied by at least 4 additional symptoms of Depression).

Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified(NOS) - included for coding disorders with depressive features that do not meet criteria for Major Depressive Disorder, or one of the others listed.

Other criteria for Major Depressive Disorder: significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain or decrease in appetitenearly every day; insomnia or hypersomina nearly everyday; fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day; diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness nearly every day.
There are other criteria. These are just some of them.


I am a Psychology major. Was a clinical Psychology intern for a year.
Question :

Has anyone felt mad, have a short fuse from taking medication for depression & mood disorders?

I have 0 tolerence, I am not sure if its the new medication I am taking, maybe the combination? Or is it stress brought on by the holidays and loneliness? I have never experienced this before, even though I have had anger never long lasting like this.
Answer :
What medication are you on? I am taking Effexor and sometimes I find myself snapping and that scares me - makes me wonder if I need more medication or if I should be taking something else. But, then I realize that most days are better than others and if I really evaluate the situation, I will be able to see where the stress is coming from and confront it, instead of letting it control me.

The holidays are stressful (even for happy people), so really spend some time trying to figure out where your added stress is coming from, and eliminate some of it. I also wonder if you are getting enough sleep - it really helps when you are down to make sure you re sleeping enough (but not in excessive amounts), tiredness can lead to irritability.

(As a side note, I tried Lexapro before Effexor and it made me really moody, scared, angry, etc....Maybe you need a new medication...) Good luck sweetie!!
Question :

Has anyone ever tried those natural supplements for mood disorders and depression, do they work?

What are some good ones?
Answer :
I have tried a number of supplements, but they did not work for me. However, I have major depression and it is probably difficult to resolve via supplements. However, I have heard of success stories, and you might try some of the following.

There is quite a bit of research suggesting that omega 3 oils can help depression, bipolar disorder, and possibly other disorders. I just read that, instead of taking capsules, it is probably better to eat fish like salmon, herring, sardines, anchovies, and mackerel. Vegetarians can take flax seed oil.

St. John s wort can be helpful for mild to moderate depression. Tryptophan and 5-HTP are also worth trying. Plus there are amino acids like L-tryosine, L-phenylalanine, and some B vitamins that might help. In many vitamin or health food stores, there is a special section for supplements for mood disorders. I suggest avoiding SAM-e, which is very expensive, and has proved ineffective for people I know.

The question of "do they work" is a good one. There has not been very thorough research on how well these supplements work. Also, what seems to work for one person may not work for another. I have met people who swear by Chinese herbs and acupuncture for depression, but these treatments do not work for everyone.

However, depending on your situation and also how much $$$ you have, they are definitely worth a try. If possible, try to see a doctor or alternative health professional who really knows about this stuff.

For my depression, what has helped the most is exercise and relaxation techniques or meditation. Of course, there are many holistic approaches like nutrition, massage therapy, acupuncture, etc. Again, what works for one person may not work for another. If you can afford it, the more natural remedies you try, the more likely you will be to find something that really helps you.

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