by Jon McGovern Anxiety Introduction Anxiety is a natural human feature of behavior and is an inherent part of our species. The word "anxiety" i
... natural herbal remedies can be effective in treating childhood anxiety |
by Jon McGovern
Anxiety Introduction Anxiety is a natural human feature of behavior and is an inherent part of our species. The word "anxiety" is derived from the word "anxious", which came from a meaning of being tormented. Anxiety in itself is then known to be a type of self-torment which is brought up as a defensive response to a given situation. Anxiety is so common that almost everyone experiences it in some form every single day. This anxiety is not a problem, it is only when anxiety begins to creep into places where it actually has no real justification that it becomes a problem and is termed to be a 'disorder'.
Anxiety Disorders There are a range of different types of anxiety disorders which may be treated differently. The most common anxiety disorders include:
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Social Phobia
Panic Attacks
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD)
Specific Phobias
Common Anxiety Causes Causes of anxiety disorders are rarely ever set in stone and can be due to a range of different things such as:
Genetic Predisposition - Some types of anxiety disorders such as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) have been found to run in families and are thought to perhaps be inherited through a gene which makes people more prone to become anxious.
Stress - High levels of stress or seemingly endless stressful situations have been proven as a cause of anxiety disorders. Disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are specifically found to have been caused by stressful and traumatizing events.
Sudden life changes - Death of loved ones and other sudden, shocking changes in everyday life can play a large role in the development of an anxiety disorder.
There may also be a range of internal and external factors which are involved in the development of each specific case of anxiety disorders. It is important to talk about the things you think might be causing your anxiety problems with someone who will listen and understand where you are coming from. This can help you to resolve your own feelings and to better understand why you are going through a tough time.
Common Symptoms of Anxiety Symptoms of anxiety disorders may range vastly depending on the type of anxiety. Some very common anxiety symptoms include:
Worry & fear
Anxiety feelings when riding or driving in a car
Pain or tightness in the chest
Difficulty sleeping
Strange muscle aches and pains
Difficulty breathing
Frequent yawning
Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
Being easily fatigued
Feeling on edge
Natural Anxiety Treatments Relaxation techniques Learning how to relax your body and release pent up tension which contributes to anxiety can be incredibly helpful in treating the root cause of anxiety disorders. Some good relaxation techniques for anxiety include:
* Progressive muscle relaxation
* Meditation
* Relaxing music
* Abdominal breathing
* Relaxation exercises
Cognitive therapy The use of cognitive therapy is primarily focused on changing patterns of thinking and subconscious beliefs which are triggering or may be associated with the experienced anxiety. For example, a person suffering from social phobia anxiety may benefit from changing beliefs about the way people see him/her. If the person says to themselves, "I am boring" it is dis-empowering and may worsen the condition. If the person can begin to change their beliefs and surrounding thought patterns, it becomes much easier to change for the good.
Cognitive therapy includes rational 'self-talk', reality testing, cognitive challenging, attention training and cognitive restructuring. This includes monitoring your self-talk, challenging unhelpful fears and beliefs, and testing out the reality of negative thoughts.
Correct breathing techniques Something as simple as learning how to change your patterns of breathing can be of great benefit to reducing the effects of your anxiety. Hyperventilation is a key physiological problem which results in the body becoming over-saturated with oxygen and thus panic-stricken. Learning to breathe through the diaphragm instead of the chest is greatly helpful here, simply allowing the stomach to expand with each breath.
You can make sure you are breathing correctly by placing one hand on your lower abdomen and the other on your chest. Correct breathing means your abdomen moves, rather than your chest. It also helps to slow your breathing while feeling anxious. You can also try to hold your breath for a few seconds. This helps to boost carbon dioxide levels in the blood and counteracts the effects of hyperventilation.
Behavior therapy A major component of behavior therapy is exposure. Exposure here simply means, removing all obstacles which are standing between you and your fear and confronting it at its most basic level. This may help to re-assess and redefine fears which might then cause a breakthrough. The steps of exposure therapy may include:
* Rank your fears in order, from most to least threatening.
* Decide to start on one of your least threatening fears.
* Perform an imaginary role-play of confronting the fears and analyze what it is exactly that is causing fear.
* Slowly increase your tolerance to confronting your fear by taking small steps towards being more and more afraid or uncomfortable.
* Resist the urge to leave. Use relaxation, breathing techniques and coping statements to manage your anxiety.
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