Saturday, September 15, 2012

Multiple Personality Disorder and Addictions

by Mrs TeePot Renamed Dissociative Identity DisorderMultiple Personality Disorder (M.P.D), renamed Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.), is a ver


by Mrs TeePot

Renamed Dissociative Identity Disorder

Multiple Personality Disorder (M.P.D), renamed Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.), is a very complex and controversial diagnosis to attach to someone. The likes of 'Sybil' come to mind when people think of M.P.D. A much milder version is more often the norm, than the crazy, out of control patient often depicted by Hollywood.

It is Common to have 5-25 Different Personalities

The official Psychiatric diagnostic criteria for D.I.D., according to the DSM IV -TR include; the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states, at least two of these identities recurrently take control of the person's behavior, and the inability to recall important personal information that is to extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

Family and Friends Report

Family and friends of a D.I.D. may report the patient has frequent gaps in memory (personal), both past and recent, reports of finding items of clothing at home that the individual cannot remember having, and not remembering a whole segment of the day, as to where they were or what they were doing. Misplacing keys, wallets, purses, & cars in parking lots is common.

Misdiagnosed for Years

Quite often, the D.I.D. patient will be described as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, meaning one moment the person may seem very passive and submissive, and then suddenly an impatient, controlling and/or self-destructive person emerges. It is very common that a person with D.I.D. will be misdiagnosed for six to seven years before the dissociative identifies are correctly identified. Usually the misdiagnosis given is Bi-Polar Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder.

Personalities Out of Touch with Others

Each personality state may be experienced as if it has a distinct personal history, self-image, and identity, including different names. I have had clients where one personality will write left handed with beautiful handwriting, while another personality will insist he/she can only use the right hand to write. To be talking to an adult one minute and a young, rebellious adolescent another is fairly common.

Mental, Physical, or Sexual Abuse

My experience with multiple personalities that use alcohol or drugs often have only one personality who uses. Sometimes the host personality may be aware that he/she drinks, but no clue about getting stoned. In discussing the addictive behavior, quite often the emerging personality years prior chose to use an addictive path to distract the host personality from some form of abuse (mental, physical, or sexual). Or even still, chose to be sexually promiscuous as a survival mode on the streets.

 ... Anxiety Disorder, Alcohol Drug Addiction, Depression, Bipolar Disorder
... Anxiety Disorder, Alcohol Drug Addiction, Depression, Bipolar Disorder
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Personality disorder
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Commonly question about Multiple Personality Disorder and Addictions

Question :

Always in imaginary world. Am I crazy? Can I have multiple personality disorder?

I m 15 and this has been going on for a while, a few years I believe. Its quite hard to explain but I don t tell this to anyone. Not even family, one friend knew but not the severity of the situation.

I wish to interact with certain people (not ur ordinary school people, but people from my country that I don t even know, I only know them in my mind). I go in my room I turn on my music and its like im in my own little world. It sounds completely ridiculous! but its true! I don t realize im in my room I imagine im in another place interacting with those people!

I imagine different situations all the time! Sometimes as a really famous model, sometimes a famous singer, sometimes a princess, A rich girl... A wife... a mother. Its really ANNOYING!

Im speaking to myself, and im laughing... All going along with my music. Before it was whatever because it didn t come to reality... but whenever im on my computer I feel as if they re there and they re watching. It makes me feel embarrassed.

I have certain crushes from reality taken to my imaginary world and I imagine myself as quite older and married sometimes with kids... I cuddle pillows like they re my crushes... (I ve never had a boyfriend before)... I m always talking to them...

Its started to make me feel as though im crazy because now theyre everywhere.

Am I crazy! Do I have multiple personality disorder? I thought it was a phase but its been for years and seems to just get worse!

Its not easy to admit this, I haven t even to my family but I hope you guys can not make fun of me and understand my situation.

Also its like an addiction! I HAVE to go to my room... I HAVE to be in my imaginary world.

Thanks in advance.
Answer :
You sound like me; I have this problem as well. I ve been excessively daydreaming my whole life since I was a very small child. There are actually a lot of people with my problem. It s called Maladaptive Daydreaming. There is even a forum on Yahoo about it:

Many people with this problem will compare it to an addiction, as you have. Here is another site with a lot of links and info:

No one can diagnosis you over the internet. I would strongly suggest that you get evaluated by a professional in case your problems are caused by some other issue. Best of luck and hope this all helps. You can write me if you have any questions about all this.
Question :

Does this person have multiple personality disorder?

I was dating a guy (age 23) and everything was going really well. After spending almost every day together for 6 months we moved in together. That s when things started to get weird. Some things didn t seem like anything in the beginning but after putting them all together , some stuff didn t make sense. Most things happened almost overnight at one point.....and I started to feel a little crazy myself since he kept accusing me of not remembering things, sorry this is written spotty but I am just trying to remember all the unusual things.

- Appearance drastically changed from clean cut to a big beard and shaggy hair, and when changed back to clean cut his attitude instantly changed too
- Photos of him compared side by side look like completely different people with differences in expression, look,,,etc
- Told me he had never used drugs then when we talked about it months later admitted to previously being a big stoner and that he had "told me that already"
- Telling me personal facts about himself growing up and then at a later discussion acting like he had never told me such things..he seriously did not remember our previous conversations.
- told me his parents sometimes called him by a "different name" than his actual name...

After 4 months of living together he left me a message saying that I was so important he will never leave me. Came back a week later after visiting his parents, and had "no future plans", no interest in our previous activities and looked particularly bored.
- unable to hold a job
- would go back and forth from being "able" to work to "not" being able to work
- would stay up very late hours and refused to get up before noon
- addicted to pornography , no interest in leaving the house
- gambling addiction to the point of losing everything

Proceeded to stay at his parent s house for a month after 8 months living together. When I finally saw him again
- Was wearing different clothes than I had ever seen before (with no time for shopping, told me brother gave him the clothes, which had never happened before)
- Forgot important facts about me , like he never knew them in the first place.. total surprise coming from him upon learning the facts again...
- I had a feeling like I was in the car with someone I had never met before (the strangest feeling)
- told me multiple times his "head hasn t been right lately"
- that I have "no idea" what was going on at his house
- went from extremely angry at me, yelling, to crying having an unusual look on his face, to about an hour later looking at me with a completely different expression and positive attitude

any idea what is wrong with this person?
Answer :
It does sound like a personality disorder-but only a MD can diagnose that. My advice is to be careful around a "friend" like that. You never know what is really going on...


old and wise
Question :

Anyone on here with a miltiple personality disorder?

I have a Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder.) Im looking for other people who have this mental illness to talk to about it since the theripest and psyciatrist arent very experienced with it and they cant help me. I also have a love anyone with that can talk to me too..Its a plus if you live in DFW, SE Texas, or SW Luisianna so I could possibly meet you. Its also a plus if your gay or lesbian..or if you are a psyciatrist, theripest, etc. with a lot of experience with this..
Answer :
There is a really good support group for multiple personalities on lots of active members, plenty of people to talk to.

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