When using acupuncture to treat anxiety attacks, an acupuncturist will often address points in the head, back, hands and feet.Fi
Acupuncture NY -Help for Anxiety and Depression Buffalo Acupuncture ... |
When using acupuncture to treat anxiety attacks, an acupuncturist will often address points in the head, back, hands and feet.Find out how to treat health problems through alternative medicine with help from an acupuncture physician in this free video on acupuncture and anxiety attacks. Expert: ROBERT LINDE Contact: www.acuherbals.com Bio: Robert Linde is an acupuncture physician and registered herbalist. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz Series Description: Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine, and it can be used to treat a variety of health concerns. Find out how to get healthy with tips from this free video series on acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.
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Acupuncture & Robustness : Acupuncture for Anxiety Attacks |
Acupuncture for Natural Health Care Green Natural Health Care |
Hand Acupuncture Acupuncture |
Does Acupuncture Work for Anxiety? |
Source : http://imentalhealth.net/mental-health-disorders/anxiety/acupuncture-health-acupuncture-for-anxiety-attacks
Related video about Acupuncture & Health : Acupuncture for Anxiety Attacks
Acupuncture Health Acupuncture for Anxiety Attacks
Acupuncture Health Acupuncture for Anxiety Attacks When using acupuncture to treat anxiety attacks an acupuncturist will often address points in the head back hands and feet Find out how to Acupuncture & Health : Acupuncture for Anxiety Attacks
Commonly question about Acupuncture & Health : Acupuncture for Anxiety Attacks
Panic attacks/anxiety/gagging reflex/ why me...?
i have vry bad gerd/acid reflux.. or whatever the hell. i m very irritated and upset that my health had to turn out this way. since very young, ive had the gag reflex during stress, social outings, pressure, and foods. ive been on many medications. prevacid, zantac, peptid ac, and currently on cvs brand med... all of which do not work for me anymore.i am very ... i dont know. ive been researching online for anxiety/panic attack reducers, acupunctures and such. i go to the doctor with this buthe prescribes the same thing..says its just all in the mind and psychological.. things i am tired of hearing becuse he and my family tells me to think lightly and all that. but let me tell you, actions speak louder than words. its not easy to control anxiety.
the doctor said i m too young to be on certain anxiety medications.. im 19 btw, & that i should just keep calm.
i dont know what to do anymore. my last resources are.. prilosec and nexium. i guess..but how much is nexium? neone w/ sim. prob?
First of all, I think you should consider seeing another doctor. If someone s answer is to not find a solution to the issue, either by medication or other modalities of treatment, then just say "Adios." This is one of the main reasons I get new patients in my practice every day -- the inability for the provider to listen and offer explanation.
Sounds like you ve tried all the over-the-counter H2 antagonists (Zantac & Pepcid) and even one of the PPIs (Prevacid), but without relief. I do, however, think you should at least try another before folding on the acid reflux treatment. Nexium is a good one, and I often prescribe it as well as Protonix and Aciphex. Just remember, some work better on some people, than just a one-size-fits-all approach. Never assume that just because one of the PPIs did not work, that all of them won t. That s just not reality. Some of my patients will have to try 2-4 different ones until something works. As well, sometimes I ll have the patient take their PPI in the morning, and a couple of Zantac 75 mg. tabs at night (just for broad coverage).
As for the anxiety....
Yes, in your mind -- INDEED!! But NOT as though you can control it by will, correct? You need to talk to someone that has a better approach with medications for treating this problem, obviously. I wouldn t go with accupunctures - basically because I don t think you re going to get much out of it. The two more common medications I use for this, citing that Anxiety almost ALWAYS goes hand-in-hand with depression would be either ZOLOFT (which can take 4-6 weeks for maximum effect) or LEXAPRO (which can take 2-4 weeks for effect). In the meantime, a bit of Xanax or Klonopin may be useful, but must be watched for addiction potential. If you don t have a history of drug abuse or alcoholism, then I think you ll be safe.
Remember, you no more ASKED to feel the way you do, than you can suddenly control it. Seems to me that medication is the ONLY answer here, and you need someone who will be willing to provide good/sound medical advise.
I hope this helps.
Best of luck to you!
Should I check myself into a mental health hospital?
I ve been having panic attacks for the last 2 twos years now, they happen almost everyday. I was very depressed before they started happening, but since I haven t found a way to deal with them I m just continually sinking lower and lower. I m crying everyday and I constantly think about suicide. I ve started cutting, which is something I ve never done. I ve been on lots of anti-depressants, anti anxiety drugs, I ve been to counseling, I ve tried acupuncture, bio-feedback, basically everything. I feel like I ve tried everything and I m really considering checking myself into some place to get help, but I am very scared, since I have no ideal what happens at these places. Plus I m hesitate since I don t want to leave my family, especially during the holidays. Does it sound like I should check myself in? Or could somebody that s ever been in a mental health hospital share their experiences and if it helped them?you should probably stay in the hospital long enough for them to get your medications straightened out and help you with your panic attacks. your family will be there for you whether you are in a hospital or not. the holidays seem to help families closer together anyway. my sister had to go to a mental health center, and they were great with her. it isn t at all like you might see in the movies, with people hanging around and screaming everywhere, it was like a big family just in the same shape she was in. hers was anxiety attacks also, but she never went as far as to hurt herself, she said she also stopped and thought about her children and grandchildren and family, so she did go and get help, and our family was there for her when she needed us. she is much better with her treatment. they had to try many different medicines with her also. i hope you will get the treatment you need, so you will get better, and i know it will make your family feel better too.
Should I blame my mother for what Accutane did to me?
Ok, so years later after receiving acupuncture (which apparently can free up repressed memories), I am re-facing what Accutane did to me as a teenager. I was one of the few with which it caused severe panic and anxiety attacks, suicidal thoughts, and a consequent major depression which caused me to drop out of my second semester of college. It also damaged my vision permanently - my parents have never believed me that Accutane was the culprit; I am 100% sure, after doing extensive research and seeing hundreds upon thousands of similar experiences. My anger issue with my mother is that she took myself, my brother and sister to the dermatologist for mild/moderate acne. I never asked to go, it was her choice. She was so concerned that we were going to get scarring (she is a chronic hypochondriac/depressive). I m now 42, and I took it when I was 16. I feel that she pushed all of us to take it, despite it being prescribed excessively back in the 80 s, and despite the dermatologist ultimately prescribing it. This was before a lot of the warnings came out. Accutane changed both the quality and course of my life, mostly in a negative manner. Is it warranted for me to have anger/resentment issues towards my mother about this? I feel that as a child, I was forced to take something which was not necessary which has caused me much suffering. I resent my mother for ever taking me and I am angry after all of these years. My brother and sister did not have the same experience as me, fortunately. Should I seek counseling to resolve this? My mother is in frail health and I do not want to confront her with it.To be fair, your mother only had the best of intentions. She couldn t have known what accutane would do.
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