Observations of a Rational Mind Observations of a Rational Mind invites the reader to closely examine his or her perception of reality. Is the reader
Addcition beyond karma |
Observations of a Rational Mind invites the reader to closely examine his or her perception of reality. Is the reader a victim of brainwashing by parents, peers, religion, or society? ORM offers a rational perspective on reality, encouraging the reader to release delusional ideas and fairy-tales in pursuit of truth and evolutionary progression. Free Your Mind. This book continues the journey started in Follow The White Rabbit and Your Truth Will Set You Free. For more information, visit www.TheNiceLife.com.Observations of a Rational Mind invites the reader to closely examine his or her perception of reality. Is the reader a victim of brainwashing by parents, peers, religion, or society? ORM offers a rational perspective on reality, encouraging the reader to release delusional ideas and fairy-tales in pursuit of truth and evolutionary progression. Free Your Mind. This book continues the journey started in Follow The White Rabbit and Your Truth Will Set You Free. For more information, visit www.TheNiceLife.com.
Source : http://imentalhealth.net/mental-health-disorders/psychotic-disorders/observations-of-a-rational-mind
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Commonly question about Observations of a Rational Mind
Do you think the unconscious mind is rational?
Often in my dreams, I come up with logical and sensible observations that when I wake up and remember the dream I actually think I wish I could have thought of that only to realise I DID think of it only it was when I was asleep! How would you define the unconscious and conscious mind? Also how would you define the relationship between the conscious/unconscious. Do you think that some people s altered states of mind are more in tune than others?Often, it s more rational than the conscious mind. I won t belabour with a bunch of scientific jargon--I ll spare you! In the dream state, you haven t the distractions of when you re awake--for one thing, & your unconscious mind is FREE to journey places the "logical," (inhibited!) conscious mind wouldn t venture. Much of your "thought" in dreams is represented by symbols & metaphors, which to me are the most pure. Yes, some people s altered states of mind, as you put it, are more in tune than others. They tend to be the most creative & inspired.
PsychologistIntuition , psychic mind , understand as seeing reality as transparent and with a mathematical base?
I like to babble, I will be babbling, so you have been warned. I will ask the question, but it s my personality to babble. And so I will babble. I m not trying to be confusing, I m having these thoughts and sharing, please disagree or agree. I have a idea here, I m trying to get it out. Well, I m questioning, I m not stating I understand or know anything. It s a question.Are psychic abilities, intuitive abilities, found in a mechanical, or mathematical process ? Ok, I ve very vaguely looked into geometry, I can t claim to be a expert. I ve only seen a glimpse of it, like any other math. And all I can be sure of is that people often represent reality with mathematics or measure it mathematically.
There are many silly philosophical questions about existence, and though I wouldn t claim that this particular question has any scientific value, based on how I perceive the scientist. Nor does it demonstrate any scientific process , deduction that would be assumed educated , reputable.
What I ve heard a few others say, and how I ve interpreted what I ve heard said , is that the physical is a mirage, and that it s relative to the observer and how things are measured. I see this in geometry as nesting electromagnetic fields, and as standing waves, that sort of thing.
If we live in a universe of uncertainty principle and reality and perception is only as certain as the observer, and the observer is only as certain as to the observer and other observers observing the observer, if the universe is all math and probability is it possible that our thoughts are also geometry? Is it possible that the same math and geometry that makes things possible physically is directly connected to consciousness and that consciousness is just a system within probability that is probable and scales probability relativistically or mathematically as functions, processes within a mathematical universe that is probable within a probably occurring reality?
If we look at things as divisions within clusters , wave lengths, self symmetry, coherence, resonance, is it possible that we are just entrained on a conscious level to the physical manifestation of reality within a subconscious level? Intuition? Is the brain sort of a antenna within improbability and systems inside of uncertainty ? If there is a "transverse" is it possible that our minds , brains are just at a certain tuning frequency within matter? And maybe on rare occasion, the mind can oscillate or peak high and tap into a "higher harmonic awareness" of the probable, uncertain reality around it? More sensitive readings? This would suggest it would be under specific conditions , the real question is if thought, and the observer is truly separate from his observations within a mathematical, measurable universe or if thought is part of the process, and only fragmented by physical illusions created by nesting fields. I do believe in the "future" in our perception of time, but if multiple futures are permitted to exist, then a rational, intelligent mind is only as probable to continue to exist in that physical body and as certain as it s reality that is measured within certainty and probability that both mind , brain and physical can exist. It can only be as probable as a mind and brain is physically sound. Allowed to continue within nesting fields...
Or cohering to "physical fact" and measurable , existing physical conditions that were probable to exist within the uncertainty principle. But it s only a measurement, a calculation, and nothing would be able to exist there for unless measured or observed.
This means nothing is entirely certain , but that the incomprehensible is comprehensible . Sort of like "scaling". It means that we are only as physically certain as our thoughts are physical certain, and only probable to have thoughts as long as we are probable to exist physically.
This means reality whims to action, observation and measurement.
There has to be a level of innerconnectivity between all of our minds for us to all perceive the external reality through our senses on a mutually comprehensible level. For example, the way in which we describe smells, sights, sound. Unless, or rather to accommodate your thoughts, we are all essentially one - in which case we have a joint source - and so all originate from one point - which would be a holistic mathematical formula. For us to unravel and hence proof this formula though, we would need to decipher this origin which we are unsure of.
This is difficult to assert because we can only claim to know as much as our conscious mind about true reality- which is at best distorted. In order to differentiate in understanding between reality and illusion, I believe that we must have knowledge of the nature of these things on a conscious level.
We are subject to the universe in that we are born into it, began our existence after it and have knowledge on only a tiny segment of it. Theory can be made, irrefutable though unfortunately.
We really are limited by our senses and can only truly know what can be perceived by our senses. We can claim to have gained understanding through intuition and our subconscious but what is there to tell us definitively that these have come from a pure source and not just wishful thinking so to speak.
Is the practice of religion a mental illness?
religion itself isn t the question, but the practice there of is.from my observations, the people who practice religion the most intensely (and consciously) are those who need it the most. religion, in their lives, helps to fill a void that would otherwise be left unfilled.
my point is that religion is not a rational, but emotional instead; relying not on fact,logic, or science, but rather hope, karma, and other emotional/superstitious factors.
The reason why I ask if it s a mental illness is because religious/spiritual people seem to be unaware of what their faith really is - faith. it is not truth, fact, or science like they think it is. they replace the rational part of their mind with their emotional one.
from all i ve seen, it seems that an intensely religious/spiritual person cannot live with the rational side of life, and since he or she needs religion to fill his or her void, rationality must pack its bags.
and that s the basic principle - that the rational side of people is replaceable with imaginary constructs. in my opinion this is a mental disorder or illness since it can deliberately lead to the perception of false realities or truths (72 virgins, heaven and hell, ie..). what do you think?
Mental illness is mostly defined by majority vs. minority. Religious nuts are in the majority in many places, so we can t really call them technically nuts. On the other hand, there are physical differences in our brains that can account for superstition. That is, some people are highly susceptible to superstition, while others are highly resistant.
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