Friday, September 21, 2012

Borderline Personality Disorder From the Inside Out

Borderline Personality Disorder is not the dead end diagnosis that I thought it was when I first read about the characteristics. You have to underst

Inside the Mind of Borderline Personality Disorder  Borderline ...
Inside the Mind of Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline ...

Borderline Personality Disorder is not the dead end diagnosis that I thought it was when I first read about the characteristics. You have to understand the symptoms of the disease enough to be able to understand what is occurring in your situation. When you can learn the behaviors and what prompts them, then you can read and understand some of the ways to modify the reactions you have that are distorted. You can learn enough of the particulars as they occurred in your own life to get the pattern of your defenses that formed out of real fear and attack. However, the attack is over. We can disarm. We can learn to act with impulsive reaction. We can bust out of the Borderline Personality Disorder to firm ground as a Bordered Ordered Personality.

BPD has many characteristics. You can google the disorder to get your list. Not everyone has all the characteristics or the level of intensity of reactions. I was never a cutter but I want to sabatoge my chances for success in my career and relationships. So, if something goes too well, I might change course or drop that career and find a new one. That way if life is becoming good, I don't let myself feel it for long. I take it away and start the struggle to safety over again. There are other ways to do the same thing as cutting without it being the physical act of cutting. Cutting is used to reduce the feeling of hurt or feeling of deep pain. This pain stems from original traumas such as rejection from a parent (s) or siblings which turned into self-hate. If others did not love you or accept you, it is easy to turn that self image inward into a feeling that you do not love yourself. You are not loveable. In my case, it goes from mother who does not love me, to I am not loveable. I do not like myself. I do not accept myself. I will recreate this abuse again, by defeating myself when things are looking up. With self knowledge you can interrupt the chain of reactions and decide other actions to claim your new successes, one at a time.

When I was young, my mother and my brothers took things away from me as part of the torture. You take lessons to play the piano, the my mother was jeolous of my skill and gave away the piano. I remember the day it went out the window, a great upright. Out the window it went on the second floor, twirling on the rope suspended out the bedroom window.

Feeling bad or feeling pain, or feeling sad can be addictive. You can feel it so much that that is the place you go when you are alone. You get so you want to feel the pain. Feeling bad is a form of addiction. When you learn feelings such as beautiful, the pain is no longer your first choice. When you experience and name other experiences such as beautiful, or happy, you can begin to reside more with those positive feelings than the negative ones.

Life is not so much what happens to us and how we choose to react to what happens (ed) to us. We can react one way for a long time and change the way we react with knowledge, example, and therapy.

What if you think that something was wrong with you that your mother did not love you, then you learn that she was a type of person, through no fault of her own who used other people to meet her own needs; she was incapable of meeting your needs if they were not bye the way to help her meet her own needs. Narcissitic is one way of looking at the situation. What if my mother did not have a choice, in her reaction to you, but treated you because of deep deprivation she suffered when a child. In my case my mother was sent to live with her grandmother at 5 and felt abandoned.

It was during the Great Depression. Her parents who had five children, needed to send someone out to allow the others to thrive. I am not sure anyone explained to my mother why she had to live with my grandmother for that time. My mother did not get enough of what she needed. She was incapable of giving any of her children the nurturing that they required. She lived at a time when everyone had 3 children, so she had 3 children and ruined all of them emotionally.

Borderline personality disorder is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation, such as dysfunctional families. Once the patterns are made conscious, the BPD person can gain self control of their feeling about themselves and their future reactions to situations. We can choose not to hurt ourselves as other have hurt us. We can recognize that the ones who hurt us were "sick" and we do not have to act sick in order fend off the anticipated punishment that we took when we were young. We have choices to be happy and productive.

BPD happens with people who are intelligent, sensitive, and creative. We used our defenses to stave off the punishment, and now we can come out hiding. The battle can be won, one day at a time. The post traumatic stress is a natural consequence of these unreal family abuse contexts. It is now safe. We can hold onto each other, tell our stories, and climb out into the light.

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Commonly question about Borderline Personality Disorder From the Inside Out

Question :

Can borderline personality disorder be caused from major stress while inside mothers womb?

I have borderline personality and never had abandonment issues as a child. So im not to sure what caused it
Answer :
There is some suggestive evidence that stresses of a mother while a child is in the womb can effect them in later life. Obviously alcohol consumption, cigarettes, etc. make a huge difference, but even stress changes the way things work.

The personality disorder may however also just be directly inhereted. If your mother was stressed while you were in the womb, arguably it may have been from a version of a personality disorder itself which you would have just inhereted on top of any womb issues.
Question :

If you suspect someone is uffering from Borderline personality disorder how can you get them to go for help?

Obviously I m not an expert but when that person is telling you that they feel empty inside, and all of a sudden other bits of their bizarre behaviour falls into place. Faulty perceptions, projecting, fear of abandonment, self destructive behaviour, etc, how can I get them to go for a professional evaluation without offending them?
Answer :
Hi Louise

Try this link to the Mind website

Understanding borderline personality disorder:

the information is easy to read and understand and will give you some insight into the illness and ways in which you can try and help.

Unless the person suffering is a danger to either themselves or others, you cannot force them to get treatment or have an assessment.

The best you can do is show them that you care, that you are interested and concerned about them and ask if they have thought about talking to their GP. You could offer to go with them for support, if they want you to.

Hope this helps.


Mental health support worker
Question :

Borderline Personality Disorder or Histrionic? details inside?

There are two sisters I know diagnosed as BPD and HPD ---The BPD sister is very childish and cannot stand to be outshined and the HPD sister is very funny and passive almost emotionless at times but likes to dress very innapropriatley. I am friends with both, they had screwed up parents, mom didnt care and their father was never around, the BPD sister was the "favorite" and HPD sister got virtually nothing from them. They have a brother but he is never around (never met him) Why would to sisters close in age develop two very different disorders? What could be the cause?
Answer :
Both of these disorders originate out of not developing a secure sense of self during the first 3 years of life. Developing a secure sense of self happens out of a healthy bonding and attachment experience with a mother who had her own secure sense of self and who she was.

It is likely the mother of these sisters had her own personality disorder (in one of the many forms).

Sadly to say this becomes an intergenerational problem unless someone undergoes the years of intensive trauma therapy required to break the cycle.

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