Friday, September 28, 2012

Nice Mental Health Statistics photos

Check out these mental health statistics images: How To Win The Divorce Game By Using The Family Court System Like An Ax To Clobber Your Opponent! (Delaw

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Stress management through mental health

Check out these mental health statistics images:

How To Win The Divorce Game By Using The Family Court System Like An Ax To Clobber Your Opponent! (Delaware County Pennsylvania)

Image by Cheri Sundra: Guerilla Historian
***This is dedicated to all of the women out there who know EXACTLY what I am talking about!

With almost 50% of all marriages today ending in divorce, even if you believe that your marriage is strong and that your spouse is faithful, you cant afford to be nave in thinking that your marriage will last forever with statistics like need the peace of mind that comes with preparation since divorce court isnt about what is fair or right or just, its about who has the access to the knowledge, connections and money to win the fight.

First Id suggest becoming a paralegal if you can.

Success will be even sweeter if you have the financial and emotional support of your potential divorce court victim while earning this degree!

Next you need to find yourself a good financial advisor so you can use their address to open bank accounts and lines of credit without your victims knowledge. You can set all kinds of devious plans in motion by having this alternate mailing address!

If you have children, make them unwitting participants in the relationship with your advisorit will prove to be useful in the long run. Teach your children to lie to your victim when they are spending time with this "advisor"..... Whats a little corruption to the parent/child relationship when you have a court case to win, right? Winning at all costs is your first rule!

Now wait until the childs 13th birthday, the age that the court will allow them input about where they want to live

Next its very important to make sure that the other person is ALWAYS in a position of having to defend themselves.and lets not forget that chaos is your best friend in these situations.

Now lets put together a hypothetical example, shall we?

Lets say you are an executive with an exciting career that includes a lot of travel (good cover for creating a double, perhaps even a triple, life without your victims knowledge).

Now purposely act erratically and aggressively at work (and at home) so you get fired, but make sure that you hide that little fact from your victim for long as possible to add to the shock and awe of what is to come next. Plus you've just created an awkward situation for your victim's lawyer in the future when they have to decide between fighting for spousal support and giving the court copies of your bizarre employee evaluation that you received prior to termination!

Now create a chaotic situation that makes your victim feel threatened.

Use any tools necessary such as children, family pets, your financial advisor, camping equipment whatever you can find at your disposal.

The goal is to try to get your victim to seek refuge and support from family/friends, hopefully outside of the family home. While they are dealing with being emotionally blindsided and distraught, you will have access to the residence yourself. Make sure you trash the place and take pictures so you can blame the victimit will add to the chaos and the legal issues that you are compiling in your war against them (Plus fits into your bigger plan later).

The next morning, cut them off from the financial resources that you share, leaving them at their most vulnerable point and file for divorce so they are put immediately on the defensive with no resources to fight you with-big score for you!

Plus, what child will want to live with a parent who has no money when you can buy things like trips, concert tickets, new cell phones and a sporty set of wheels?!

Now the real fun begins.

Remember, you have all of the resources, that paralegal know-how so you can do some of the legal leg-work yourself without the necessity of those expensive attorneys for every move that you make, and the benefit of having a plan and the support required to carry it out, already in place.

Use everything you can to keep the chaos goingTHAT is your mantra.

Now if your victim was stupid enough to leave the marital home because they felt threatened (instead of calling the cops and sitting there, waiting for them to come and still foolish enough to be worried about family embarrassment) good for you! You are well on your way to WINNING!

You know that your opponent is going to try to get a PFA against you because of your actions that set the ball in motion, so you file for one against them listing your financial advisor on the petition as a family childcare provider just for giggles & added confusion!

Thanks to the benefit of the competing PFA applications ( and those pictures), you will most likely get physical custody of any children after your lawyer argues that there is no good reason to remove the child from their school or the home.

Plus it makes your opponent look like a monster who would trash their childs home.

It also helps that youve been grooming your child behind your victim's back with the help of your financial advisor in preparation for this moment! You want to make sure that its YOU that they want to live with, not the victim!.

Give yourself a high-five as your victim tries to appeal these decisions (and seek other legal help) without any access to money.

It costs a fortune to file an appeal, in addition to fighting for custody, spousal support, a mental health evaluation for your erratically acting spouse-each is a separate issue needing to be addressed in a separate venue! Your victim can never even hope to address them all!

Laugh even harder as you play games as they try to get the financial support that they need to fight you. Move court dates, dont hand in all of the paperwork.remember how you got yourself fired from your high-paying executive jobHa! Ha! Ha!

Work WAY below your earning potential! Ha!

After all, why do you need to worry about money, you were smart enough to enlist the help of your financial advisor and you can do some of your own legal work, right?! Kudos for you!

Remember, it is imperative to keep the chaos going and the focus off of yourself (especially if youve been having an affair with your financial advisor-best to put off looking at that situation as long as possible!)

Now its time to start using any children as weapons.

Remember, your opponent has no access to resources and youve got the house that theyve abandoned, so they have to rely on other people for everything.

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