Tuesday, September 18, 2012

New Technology Offers Help for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

(PRWEB) April 17, 2012 According to a recent study released by the CDC, it is estimated that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum

Homeopathy offers help for school anxiety  ForestAlternative.com
Homeopathy offers help for school anxiety ForestAlternative.com

(PRWEB) April 17, 2012

According to a recent study released by the CDC, it is estimated that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum disorder. Though the causes of autism are unknown, it is widely understood that early diagnosis and treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of the child and family.

Psychologist and author Dr. Paul G. Swingle uses neurotherapy to treat clients with autism in his practice in Vancouver. When asked about his approach, he replied, We begin with the ClinicalQ assessment in which we can detect anomalies in brain activity some of which are found in autism. Slow frequency in the back of the brain and an imbalance between the right and left frontal cortex, for example, are commonly found in children with autism.

Once the assessment is complete, the treatment, including braindriving can begin. During braindriving, sensors are placed on the scalp to monitor brainwaves in real time. Harmonics we developed specifically for braindriving are used to change brain activity driving the brain functioning to more balanced and normal ranges. Unlike traditional neurofeedback (brainwave biofeedback), which requires a certain level of cognitive ability, braindriving can be used with clients as young as four months of age in addition to clients who cannot participate in more volitional neurofeedback programs.

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Commonly question about New Technology Offers Help for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders

Question :

Political statements new constitution?

So im doin an art project wanted to see what u guys thought of this crazy statement .......

Fundamental Ethical Rights to life
We the People of the world, decree certain aspects of the global system succumb to change, in order to build a brighter and better future for mankind. To insure the freedom and liberty from growing tyrannical forces who mean to control these virtues. To make all information accessible and untainted from unwarranted hands. Such acts of suppression towards information, new industries and technologies become swept away from the people in order to keep a stronghold on a conservative way of life. As the stifling of independent technologies subdue to suppression, threating the economic sustention of the global communities, the hindrance of such acts become redundant towards the betterment of the living standards. Propaganda in these fields run rampant. While our children uphold our legacy, we will give assurance to our rights of life and to a society built for the preservation there of.
1)The Right to food, water, shelter and utilities, regardless of compensation.
2)Usury deemed illegal.
3)Healthcare; free and within reach of anyone, regardless of compensation.
4)The right for alternative independent measures against monopolized conservatism as a viable option.
5) Compartmentalization deemed illegal.
6)The right to unofficial independent investigations to concur with officials.
7)All first world countries help establish third world countries into self- sufficient and sustainable industries.
8)The Right to free education for all ages.
9)The Free Passage of information made readily available thanks to technology.
10)The right for extensive Public involvement in the political processes.
Food water shelter for all, alongside healthcare and independent technologies are a given to the fundamental standards of living. The status quo must be within reach of everyone no matter what creed or stature. Abundance will gain ahead of scarcity. This system thrives on the control of resources to those who consume more than by which of their means. WE say to make food shelter and clothing a basic necessity for all alive. We own the means to Avoid such tremendous atrocities.
While these Things must be accomplished, we also hold the right to demand open investigations for the following questionable and controversial, historically altering events, that have taken place on earth.
1) Governmental forehand knowledge from the military of the existence of extra- terrestrial life and subsequent contact of other life beings.
2) The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Case For C .I.A involvement.
3) September 11th 2001 and the wars fought that followed in the Middle East. Case for controlled demolitions occurring on this date. Case for Corporate and governmental involvement. Case for Cluster ****.

4) Case for effective alternative cancer treatments and free energy stifling and propaganda.
5) Nazi Involvement in United states government projects.
6) Case for Secret societal involvement in political processes.
7) War Profiteering in foreign and domestic allegiances.
8) C.I.A Drug smuggling
9) Ethical and hazardous violations in the F.D.A.
10) Fraud and money laundering by government officials and ties to the corporate world.

We the people hold these rights to be self- evident. That without movement of this decree will uphold the right to remove government of their position and establish a new one. Jefferson said, "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends" of securing our natural rights "it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.
Rights come in many forms, and to uphold and to exert a definition of them can become an immeasurable task. And by movement of this decree we offer no less punishment than that of a halt to these acts. So that Truth may flourish against that of tyranny and bring all that we are, together, in this brighter and more open society. In Place of failure to come to ALL of these terms will result in the followinga halt in the production of the working class. Everyone can and will come to a halt until the safety of every person alive is insured with the fundamental rights. This is Order through disorder, of systems shutting down and restarting, like that of a dysfunctional computer. To do this, we as a whole are prepared to come to a halt on the date of December 21st 2012 until the decree is met. Each of us holds the right to police these powers under constitutional law. For people as a whole hold the true power that determines our fate and way of life. Not that of We are Together. Good Luck and Good Night.

Missing anything? Disagreeable? too Controversial?
Answer :
They will never change the constitution...just keep adding amendments....changin the constitution would be omission that our leaders have gotten wrong and lost their way
Question :

Hey Republicans, how do you feel about Obama s success now desipte of our claims of him being a bushbot?

1.Saved the collapse of the American automotive industry by making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry

2.Shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along

3.Relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world

4.Signed order to close the prisoner torture camp at Guantanamo Bay in somewhere in 2020.

5.Has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation

6.Has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part.

7.Won the Nobel Peace Prize

8.$789 billion economic stimulus plan

9.Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

10.Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles

11.Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans

12.Renewed dialogue with NATO and other allies and partners on strategic issues.

13.Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.

14.Better body armor is now being provided to our troops

15.Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulates auto sales

16.Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan

17.Closed offshore tax safe havens

18.Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan

19.Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information

20.Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts

21.. Ended media blackout on war casualties and the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB.

22.Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules

23.Ended previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings

24.Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports

25.American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created 2.1 million jobs (as of 12/31/09).

26.Ended previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions

27.Ended previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back

28.Ended previous policy on torture; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards

29.. Launched Recovery.gov to track spending from the Recovery Act, an unprecedented step to provide transparency and accountability through technology.

30.Ended previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industrys predatory practices

31.Ended previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

32.Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources

33.Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient

34.Established a new cyber security office

35.Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

36.Expanding vaccination programs

37.Families of fallen soldiers have expenses

38.. Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to Americas Veterans.

39.Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research

40.Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools

41.Responded with compassion and leadership to the earthquake in Haiti

42.Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters

43.. Launched Business.gov enabling conversation and online collaboration between small business owners, government representatives and industry experts in discussion forums relevant to starting and managing a business. Great for the economy.

44.Improved housing for military personnel

45.Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals

46.Changed failing war strategy in Afghanistan.

47.Improving benefits for veterans

48.Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect

49. Don t Ask, Don t tell repealed.

Answer :
For items number 1, 5,6,8,10,15,17,22,23,26,30,32,33,34,35.3 - He did these things based on the authority granted to him by EXACTLY which Article, Section, Paragraph, Clause or Amendment in the Constitution of the United States?

#3 How, exactly, did he do that? By showing he is wimp and the rest of the world need not fear, or respect, him? Nothing to worry about there, Sparky.

#4 Yes. In 2020, long after he out of office with no way to enforce the time limit.

#7 Then started wars in Libya and the Congo.

#9 Nothing racist there, eh, Sparky? You couldn t be satisfied just saying he appointed a Supreme Court justice. You HAD to mention her race. Why is that important or even relevant?

#18 Didn t he win the Nobel PEACE prize?

#25 How many of those are government jobs? How few are private sector jobs?

#28 "Enhanced interrogation" is NOT "torture". Learn the difference before ranting.

#33 Exactly how much money has been "saved"? If there is so much being saved, why has the imaginary "debt ceiling" been raised every year? Why has it been hit again less than a year after the last raise?

#41 - you forgot to mention "responded with American tax dollars"

#43 You forgot to mention the obama-no-care ;legislation that will cost those very same businesses a HUGE chunk of any profit they might have made in addition to the costs of complying with existing federal regulatory interference.
Question :

Why do Republicans say Obama does nothing for this country?

1. Saved the collapse of the American automotive industry by making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry
2. Shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along
3. Relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world
4. Signed order to close the prisoner torture camp at Guantanamo Bay
5. Has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation
6. Has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part.
7. Won the Nobel Peace Prize
8. $789 billion economic stimulus plan
9. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court
10. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles
11. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans
12. Renewed dialogue with NATO and other allies and partners on strategic issues.
13. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.
14. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops
15. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulates auto sales
16. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan
17. Closed offshore tax safe havens
18. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan
19. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information
20. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts
21. . Ended media blackout on war casualties and the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB.
22. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules
23. Ended previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in saving
24. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports
25. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has created 2.1 million jobs (as of 12/31/09).
26. Ended previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
27. Ended previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back
28. Ended previous policy on torture; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards
29. . Launched Recovery.gov to track spending from the Recovery Act, an unprecedented step to provide transparency and accountability through technology.
30. Ended previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industrys predatory practices
31. Ended previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date
32. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources
33. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient
34. Established a new cyber security office
35. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
36. Expanding vaccination programs
37. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses
38. . Provided the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with more than $1.4 billion to improve services to Americas Veterans.
39. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research
40. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools
41. Responded with compassion and leadership to the earthquake in Haiti
42. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters
43. . Launched Business.gov enabling conversation and online collaboration between small business owners, government representatives and industry experts in discussion forums relevant to starting and managing a business. Great for the economy.
44. Improved housing for military personnel
45. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals
46. Changed failing war strategy in Afghanistan.
47. Improving benefits for veterans
48. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect
49. Donated his $1.4 million Nobel Prize to nonprofits.
50. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program
51. Provided tax credits to first-time home buyers through the Worker, Homeownership, and Business Assistance Act of 2009 to revitalize the U.S. housing market.
52. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel
Answer :
Because these are the same people who believed Iraq attacked us on 911, that evolution is a "myth", and that Obama s birth certificate is a fake.

It s not a coincidence that the vast majority of GOP states are also the poorest, fattest, and dumbest.


Simple common sense and logic.

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