Thursday, September 6, 2012

Spell Me - Lite

Spell Me - Lite WebTeam CorporationThis is a simple app that lets your child learn spelling in an interactive way. Spell Me app utilizes ABA m

Preston getting hit from behind with a magic spell.
Preston getting hit from behind with a magic spell.

WebTeam CorporationThis is a simple app that lets your child learn spelling in an interactive way. Spell Me app utilizes ABA method of intervention delivery to children with developmental disabilities, special education needs or Autism.This app is part of iLearnNEarn App series and is organized into multiple Learn Play sections. Each section has pictures as visual prompts. Here is how the app progresses - STEP1 Training Spelling of each word is displayed in one screen. STEP 2 DT/Play - The Play part of a LEARN PLAY section works like this - Each screen displays word along with distracters - the child selects correct spelling of the prompted word from the options shown STEP 3 Reward - Each correct response is rewarded with an animation ABA iLearnNEarn App Series===============As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABA programming as employed by Lovaass study has been cited by many parents as being vital to their childs success. The National Research Councils 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skills necessary for implementing an effective ABA program as: Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerning best practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders, including methods of applied behavior analysis, naturalistic learning, incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization, communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, language interventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collection systems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance of behaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teaching children with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQ scores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrum disorders, from profound mental retardation and severe language impairments to superior intelligence make the need for training of personnel even greater. iLearnNEarn offers series of apps based on ABA which help parents and teachers with minimum knowledge of theory. These apps provide supplemental intervention and are delivered through mobile device, tablets and iPads. It also helps introduce generalization in different settings. The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educators and researchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABA therapy (the only scientifically-validated treatment for children with developmental disabilities, special education needs or autism).This app records score information for progress tracking and analysis purposes. Recorded scores are also used for customization of the assignment of the new educational material delivered through the app as the user progresses with the targeted skills.

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Commonly question about Spell Me - Lite

Question :

How to spell D-lite (Kang Daesung s nickname) in korean?

Well, I simply want to know the characters for the nickname "D-Lite". Thank you! :)
Answer :
Question :

Is the word lite the new way to spell "light" with 20% fewer letters?

When did this word become a word?
Answer :
when miller beer said, we are better than bud light so we wont use the igh light we will use the it lite , how rite they were.
Question :

So my Coworker doing.a 7 day luck spell but need to know if u keep it lite for 7 days or light it at nigh?

Answer :
dont know about luck, but keeping a candle lit while you are asleep is dangerous!

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