Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nice Examples Of Mental Health photos

Some examples of mental health images: Earth Cuisine for Longevity Image by Barry Gourmet and Raw My Personal Experience with my diet: Writen by Barr

Mental Health allows your mind to grow with you
Mental Health allows your mind to grow with you

Some examples of mental health images:

Earth Cuisine for Longevity

Image by Barry Gourmet and Raw
My Personal Experience with my diet:
Writen by Barry Gourmet & Raw copyright Aug. 24 2011

Having a new lease on life with my slimVegan body,and feeling good ,with tons of energy I continued to abstain from eating any kind of animal even though many Korean people love their barbecued beef but in much smaller portions compared to Americans.
However near the end of the 4th year of my 100 percent strict Vegan Cleansing Diet I felt that my energy should be much stronger than it was, and as usual I listened to my body and paid close attention to it.
I was living and working in Soul Korea at the time during the early 90s and I was burning a lot of calories at the time enjoying my new life by vigorously ice skating every evening at Lotte World Ice rink and on week ends mountain climbing and hiking with my friend Mr Park.
I will never forget my Friend Mr. Park and his gracious family for introducing me to many fine Traditional Korean foods to enjoy.
Even though we are the same age and had almost the same diet I noticed that Mr. Parks Stamina and endurance,climbing mountains was better than mine and his dieting was just only a little bit different than mine when we would eat out together . Back then I was working as an Animator Supervisor in Cartoon film production for Television,and having been trained to observe people and their movements and habits I made mental notes of every thing Mr. Park was eating doing ,and saying. I did not have enough time and money to make a double blind test study on 2 or 3 large groups of people so I just studied Mr. Park instead.

We where eating a Korean style of Macrobiotic plant based raw foods and some cooked and some high enzyme raw fermented foods as well like Miso Soups, Kim chi, sour vegetables with herbal Green teas and some times a bit of Korean Rice Wine. Included with our meals was boiled brown rice with different legumes Tofu, sesame sauce and seed, asian pickles, with fruit plates as a snack. Some times I would share a Korean Vegetarian style fried pancake with Mr. Park.And sometimes Mr. Park would surprise me, and place an Acid forming Egg on his Bi Bem Bap!! Thats a popular Korean Style bowl of rice and vegetables. On occasion but not often enough I would sprout and grow wheat grass in my hotel room.

What I notice Mr. Park doing that was different from me was his love for Raw Honey , Bee Pollen and fresh Raw Korean Red and White Ginseng Root mixed together. Honey and Bee Pollen was animal so it was off my list.
And another thing that Mr. Park would do was sometimes on occasion he would add a bit of Fish to his vegetables or a bit of beef or pork. I would never touch the last 2 but I know especially pork is very popular in most Asian countries. Other than that we where on the same diet that lasted for at least 2 years before I finished my job with the Walt Disney Company and flew back to California USA for a check up with my Natural path Doctor ND and Nutritionalist.

When my lab blood work came back I was SHOCKED and surprised to discover the following results?

Even though I felt a 100 times better in the past after losing all my excess weight , I still did not feel at my optimum in energy levels.

My blood count looked good except for the following result:

I had Anemia with a low red cel blood count .
I was deficient in Vitamin B 12
And I was low in my Essential Omega 3 Fatty Acids

My Doctor gave me a Vitamin B -12 shot that I did not like because I have a thing about being poked with needles . My Doctor subscribed Sublingual B -12 liquid under my tongue and subscribed Iron supplements and told me to start eating fish for my essential Omega 3 fatty Acids.

I found out later that I was not alone , and that other people experienced the same thing.
Did you ever see the Movie or Video called Super Charge Me directed and acted by Jenna Norwood?
Well after only 30 days of strict raw vegan dieting and remember mine was almost 4 years straight, her Doctor after looking at her blood lab results informed Jenna that her red blood cell count was lower and borderline Anemic.

She called David Wolf who is an Expert Nutritionalist and Food Researcher about her findings.
David , advised her to take more green vegetable juices ,especially Parsley,Dandelion,and Spinach. And to eat more dark red cherries , and more dark red berries of every kind that is rich in the mineral iron. David is right of course as all the above mentioned foods ,will supply the body with dietary organic Iron to correct the Anemia. At the time I did not have David with me to consult with, and so I had to figure things out a lot on my own over the years ,and research a lot about how to best keep my vitamin B -12 at normal range and my Omega 3 Fatty Acids optimized.

Even if a person eats enough foods rich in Iron like , Beef, Fish, Poultry,and for Vegetarians ,Beans,and all kinds of fruits including dry fruits, and green leafy vegetables like Spinach things can still go wrong if you sway away from NATURE and nibble on that man made processed glue thats advertised in print and media.

Seliac Disease or condition,plus Gluten Intolerance, or people that are allergic to Gluten grains , like Wheat ,Rye,and Barley will have a hard time absorbing the mineral Iron even if they think they are on a good diet. Grains normally along with a few root vegetables like potatoes are very starchy foods and offer less bio available nutrition to the body as compared to vegetables growing above the ground.( Go for a lot of Dark Greens rich in Iron)
Crones Disease or condition, which is a chronic inflammatory auto immune disorder that affects the small intestine and other parts of the intestinal tract can cause Iron deficiency leading to Anemia as well.
Even parasitic infections can cause iron deficient anemia as some invading parasites are capable of feeding off of your blood supply.
Parasites live in all meats of every kind so my recommendation is to cook the meats well, and to eat the wild game meats as condiments and not as the main course at any meal.
It takes a lot longer to properly chew any meat until it becomes liquid in your mouth , and on top of this it even gets more challenging for us to digest the meat proteins in comparison to plant based proteins. The meat takes longer than any other food group out there for time of digestion, and transit time through your body,and if this isnt enough, all meats are very Acid Forming inside our body and if eaten in excess could cause an imbalance with our intestinal friendly flora bacteria living in our gut, that would compromise our immune system .And I could say a whole lot more why we should not eat so much meat ,and I have to save it for another article because ,there would not be enough space left on this page to do so. So trust me on this , a lot can go wrong with eating to much land meat in our diet, including sea food that is farm raised.

Wild fish in moderation agreed with me ,such as Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines and Herring.
I personally do not eat any Beef or Pork and very rarely any poultry with their eggs.( And if I did it would be open free range and organic , chickens or ducks running around some villagers back yard living a free life like nature intended . I purchase my wild sea food from my local Sea GypsyVillage.
People living in the 5 Blue Zones noted for longevity live on a Plant Based Whole Food Diet that includes a little bit of wild free range protein as a condiment only. With their primarily vegetarian plant based meals with much of their diet RAW they eat small meals spaced out.

The founder of the Blue Zones ,Mr Dan Buettner with his Expert team of Scientists supported by the National Geographic Society Magazine, in 2004 made a discovery that in my opinion should, and must wake up every person living in our modern day society, to take notice and to act upon and learn about LIFE from the people living in the Blue Zones around the world.

The 5 Blue Zone locations around the world now famous for peoples Longevity ,Good Health, and Happiness are the islands of Okinawa Japan,the island of Sardinia Italy, Nicoya Peninsula Costa Rica,Loma Linda (Seventh Day Adventists), California USA, and the island of Ikaria, Greece.

I find it interesting that the 3 Blues zones that have a lot in common that contribute to the peoples longevity in Okinawa Japan, Sardinia Italy, and Lorma Linda California,are as follows.
The Family is priority and has great purpose in their lives.
Non Smokers, as Centenarians (People who live to be one hundred years or older)from the studies do not typically smoke.
A Plant Based Diet for life is primarily their choice for consumption of plants from nature.
Constant every day moderate physical activity with rest periods.
A strong sense of community and purpose ,with all people engaged in social activity.
Legumes or Beans are commonly consumed.

From my own experience and observations starting over 35 years ago when I first visited Thailand, I was overwhelmed with curiosity as to why all the Thais that I observed where thin ,lean and in good shape. And I can remember at that time that I was self conscious of my own body being very overweight from consuming the processed Standard American Diet (SAD). Back then not previously having the experience of traveling overseas ,it really hit me because I thought that it was a normal thing in society to have a certain population segment to be overweight or even obese as I was just a young man looking for adventure in a new country.
The Thai people back then primarily ate a traditional Thai diet of Rice, Noodles,lots of Vegetables, Fruits and seafood that would delighted any persons taste buds. But what really got my tasted buds jumping around like Mexican Jumping beans on a hot stove, where the hot Thai Chili Peppers that every Foreign Tourist will experience sooner or later as Thais will serve it HOT unless you order it otherwise. (Always keep a big glass of cold ice water near by)

I also noticed in my travels to up country in Thailand even today that life is really simple and the Thai people continue to eat the traditional fare of Greens with Rice and fresh fruits with the usual spicy hot dishes that they are famous for especially in the North East of the country.On my last visit to the up country in Thailands North East I witnessed interesting bits of edible protein ,very popular with the villagers,such as Beatles,Grasshoppers,Ants,Lizards and Frogs.
I gave a pass on the first four, but I did try the Frog Soup and it was tasty and not bad at all.Remember that these people are still eating from nature, with their Fruits and lots of Vegetable Greens and less processed food from out of a box. My Thai wife name Am continues to practice her traditional Thai North East diet today but does get distracted now and then, and falls prey to temptation from processed fast foods , only because we now live on a tourist island with lots of out side influences, but that is another story.

Today after my first trip 35 years ago to Thailand I definitely see and notice a negative change of health in some of the Thai People in general in comparison of 3 decades ago ,that also affects other developing countries that I have travelled to as well. In Bangkok and Phuket I see much more Obesity and over weight problems in general in comparison to the past, and when I talk with western trained Thai Mds ,they all agree with me, for this point of view. At one time , I read a report a few years back that Thailand was the country along time ago with the lowest rates of Cancer for any country , anywhere in the world ! Now today this disease is going up along with Diabetes and other chronic ailments as well. Last reported the Thai government wanted to crack down on all processed foods that contain Hydrogenated Fats to protect their people from Diabetes ,that I learned from in a radio announcement.

What I have learned from all of this is very simple. You may be surprised but Yes I later updated and adopted a diet from the 5 Blue Zones and tailored them to suite my own life style,to learn from the information and to implement what works for me .I guarantee that in time you will see and feel a positive difference in your own life and well being as well, with time and effort on your part. I know this because I have been practicing a type of my own tailored Blue Zone life style, by shear fate ,and good fortune, and discovered on my own, that a Blue Zone diet and life style, really does work!

From 1979 through 1990 living in Los Angeles California ,a close friend of mine influenced my eating habits and life style to help me to make a profound positive change to my unhealthy living and obesity. My friend was a Seventh Day Adventist follower ,and I still remember the day that we spent together on her older brothers family farm that grew and sold the very popular Apple Pears to the Asian market place.

Other positive influences that helped me where the teachings of Asian Macrobiotics, Mediterranean Diets, the Thai Cuisine with all its wonderful herbs and spices ,and the Raw California Cuisine diet , along with Anne Wigmores Wheat Grass movement .All of these Plant Based programs helped me to make a healthier change that required many steps for me to implement ,and to finally take back my health. Believe me I know that it was not so easy to do this,with all the every day food temptations out there,such as the advertising, the peer pressures, the sounds , visuals, smells and addictions of processed foods .It was literally overwhelming to me, for a long time during those days. But with good planning ,persistence, and acquired knowledge I eventually beat the odds that where stacked against me and you can too.

The 5 Basic Blue Zone Diet Models at a Glance:

Island of Okinawa Japan Diet:

Their diet is heavy on grains of all kinds , with fish and vegetables,but light on land meat and dairy products. The Okinawans consume fermented foods such as Tofu,Miso Soup,and Seaweeds. They eat many different herbs and greens including Bitter Mellon.
Many small servings of Green and Yellow vegetables,including Sweet Potatoes,with a small amount of fish less than half a serving at one sitting per day maybe 2 or 3 times per week.
The Okinawans consume more than the general population of Japan in the way of Soy including fermented Soy such as Miso Soup, and other legumes plus sprouts green onions and Green Tea ,and Mugwort Tea beverages including a strong distilled Rice Wine called Awamori.
Pork may be consumed, but very rarely would eggs or any dairy or the last two could be completely omitted from their diet.
They also enjoy Mushrooms such as Shiitake ,Turmeric Root , Peppers and Fennel.
This diet looks and sounds like the Macrobiotic diet along with my Seventh Day Adventist program, that I followed more than 30 years ago to lose all my excess weight .I can say that it does work. An important note is the Okinawans never overeat at one sitting, compared to many other cultures.To recap ,the Plant Based diet is very heavy on Leafy Greens ,Assortment of other vegetables and fruits, and whole grains, with some fish, fermented soy, green tea , and a natural Rice Wine in moderation. Okinawa Japan has more Centenarians of people living over one hundred years of age, per capita than any other country in the world today.
Okinawans know how to live right, for proven Longevity.

Island of Sardinia Italy Diet:

Sardinia is located in the Mediterranean off the coast of Italy and is reported to have the longest living Men in the world today. Sardinians enjoy high fiber whole grain sour breads that contain probiotic live bacteria that support their intestinal health. Their Cheeses are grass fed from sheep that would supply Omega 3 fatty acids, that would not be found from live stock that is grain or corn fed that we find in the USA and other countries around the world.
Sardinia is famous for their rich dark wines , organic and unique to their island ,referred to as the black wine boasting the highest anti oxidants of any known wine today.The fermentation process is longer than most other wines explaining the high anti oxidant protection. The important thing to remember is that they drink their wine with their meals and not separately.
The islanders enjoy seafood of squid,tuna,lobster,and sardines in moderation. They also enjoy lots of Leafy Greens ,Beans ,and an assortment of different vegetables, with tomatoes, and herbs such as Mint,Myrtle,Basil,Oregano,and of course the King of Herbs Garlic.
Nuts are enjoyed often. The Mediterranean Diet is well documented for good health and longevity, not to mention how delicious many of the recipes are as well.

Loma Linda California USA Diet:

The Seventh Day Adventists of Loma Linda California enjoy exceptional health and longevity that is part of their living standards with their faith and strong community support. The people of Loma Linda are primarily Vegetarian and enjoy a Plant Based whole food diet rich in various Fruits and Vegetables. Their diet is rich in nuts and beans. And they may eat meat very little and sparingly. The interesting part is what they do not eat. They will not eat pork, shellfish,drink no alcohol, and smoke no tobacco. They avoid coffee ,tea, and all soft drink beverages containing caffeine. We can all learn something good from the healthy life style and diet of Loma Linda California.

Nicoya Peninsula Costa Rica:

It seems to me that the diet of Nicoya is more fatty than the other 4 Blue Zones but other than that , other factors could play in their good fortune of Longevity,such as being the closest of the Blue Zones ,to our earths equator and having fresh air and vitamin D tropical sunshine all year round. They enjoy Rice,Fried Plantain,Onions,and meat of chicken or beef.Also Eggs ,Beans, and Cabbage or Lettuce salad sprinkled with Lemon Juice or Salt.
Squash,Corn ,Rice ,Beans, and Leafy Greens are all very high in fiber and they eat lightly and enjoy their community and out door gardens and social community life.

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Commonly question about Nice Examples Of Mental Health photos

Question :

Who can amend this essay for me?

This is an essay for TOEFL IBT writing. The topic is Some people say we should never be impolite to another person. Do you agree or disagree?" My response is as follows, who can amend it for me and make it more fluid read and idiomatic? I ll appreciate your advice and help very much.

From my perspective, being polite to others in any case is an appreciable virtue for every person, from which individuals, groups and even the whole society all can benefit a lot.

For individuals, by treating others with politeness, people will be regarded as kind persons and get widely popular wherever they go. Psychologically, showing good manners toward people can satisfy their basic mental needs of being respected, and in response, they will treat you with a nice attitude. In this way, you will feel welcome and accumulate confidence in dealing with others. Apparently, that not only promotes your mental health, but also poses positive effects on your work, especially tasks requiring frequent communication with people such as human source management and marketing.

Furthermore, business groups tend to win more guests when they get public praise of being polite to their customers. The hotpot restaurant nearby my university serves as a convincing example. Being an ordinary restaurant without outstanding foods or competitive price, it has become the most popular one around, just due to its reputation of high-quality service. Waiters and waitress there, with amiable smile on their faces, always talk in a gentle way and positively meet the guests demands. Attracted by the pleasant feeling eating there, many people, me included, have become repeat guests of the restaurant.

Finally, if everyone acts in decency, the whole society will become more harmonious. Many conflicts between people can be simply avoided by patient and polite communication. Take one of my experiences for example. Once I took a bus to some place, accidentally but not fiercely, the bus collided with another bus while turning. The two drivers stopped and got out of the buses, apologize to each other, took some photos of the scene of the accident, and called the traffic police. Quickly, the accident was disposed, without bad influence on the traffic or anyone s mood. Suppose the drivers had blamed each other in bad manners, the situation might be on the other round.

Taking all above into account, I am inclined to believe that we can never stress the quality of being polite too much.
Answer :
even society will benefit. soc is already whole / all - wrong choice of word - poor english
as human resource management
have become repeat guests.
bus to some place, the bus collided with another. it was a minor accident. The drivers got out....
took some photos of the damage. One of them called the t..p..
The matter was settled amicably and easily. There was hardly a jam. All s well that ends well.

Suppose the drivers had blamed each other, the situation could have been nasty and there will be delays.

I am inclined to believe that we can never stress the quality of being polite all the time

are u in china?
very good english A+

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