by L A D Y M Alcohol Abuse and the AlcoholicThere is no correct definition for alcohol abuse, as it is quite ambiguous to understand or defi
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by L A D Y M
Alcohol Abuse and the Alcoholic
There is no correct definition for alcohol abuse, as it is quite ambiguous to understand or define. To our satisfaction, we can define alcohol abuse as a boundary line between the two phases namely, normal drinkers and alcoholics. Technically speaking, alcohol abuse is considered as a pattern of drinking that harms one's health, interpersonal relationships, or ability to work.
What is the reason for the abuse of alcohol? One reason is failure to fulfill responsibilities at work, school, or home can result in stress, which tempts one to drink a lot. The act of alcohol abuse under these circumstances satisfies two core needs. The need to feel pleasure, which is often experienced when drinking, at least initially, and the desire to avoid pain, which subsides very quickly when drinking begins. The vicious circle of alcohol abuse is exacerbated by the fact that alcoholic behavior often creates more stress and pain in your life, and the drinker will turn to alcohol to deal with that pain.
What are the Consequences of Alcohol Abuse?
Prolonged and excessive use of alcohol will eventually lead to alcoholism. Again it is quite ambiguous to differentiate the symptoms of alcohol abuse and alcoholism. But there are certain ways to recognize the symptoms of alcohol abuse and take precautionary measures before it is too late. Some of the early signs of abuse are sneaking drinks, frequent memory blanks while engaged in drinking, frequent injuries due to excessive drinking, unwillingness to discuss about the drinking habits with family and friends, and feeling guilty over the drinking habit.
So what are some of the other consequences that occur because of the abuse of alcohol? There are many and some of them include going late for work, trouble with authorities for drinking and driving, and aggressive behavior in public. Also physically a person is often affected due to excessive drinking. The physical signs of abusing alcohol include drunkenness, slurred speech, short attention span, uncoordinated movements, drowsiness, memory problems, and aggression.
Most people who abuse alcohol think that it is not a big issue. They have a thought that they can control their habit easily. But this case does not work in reality, because once a person becomes an alcoholic, it is really hard to bring him back to his normal life.
Alcohol abuse during adolescence, especially during the early adolescent age, may lead to long-term changes in the brain. This has a very bad consequence which leaves teenagers at an increased risk of alcoholism in later years. So, it is highly important that teenagers have to be taken care of at the right time to eliminate alcoholism.
If proper precautionary measures are not taken, drinking to excess regularly might result in suicide or violence. It has been estimated that about 1.8 million deaths have been occurred due to alcoholism and 58.3 million people have been disabled due to the same.
These are some basics about alcohol dependence or abuse. |
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Commonly question about Alcohol Abuse - When Does Use Turn to Abuse?
When does alcohol use cross the line to abuse?
Several famous people have notoriety associated to them by alcohol consumption. Churchill comes to mind ... it s said he drank a bottle of cognac a day.So what s the deal? If you have made noteworthy contributions to society your alcohol consumption is part of the personality but if you re unknown the same amount of alcohol means your alcoholic?
Some say if it mess s up your social life,your family,or your job you need help.
Do you think people who abuse alcohol, and use the occasional narcotic?
Are accountable for their actions whilst under the influence? Do you think they have two personalities, one sober and one drunk? If so, what do you think happens when they sober up and realise what they did while under the influence?Yes,saying I was drunk when I did it is not an excuse.I was often miserable(depressed) and full of self pity but never violent or abusive,but I was fast losing sympathy and friends.When I did stop I took all the help offered to me,help I should have took years beforehand..
How can i keep my 3 year olds no-good father away from him when i can t prove it to a judge.?
My child loves his father, but it is not safe for him to be at his dad s without supervision. My ex is doing things out of spite to hold him against me, and he is munipulating everyone to make me out as the bad person. I have witnesses to drug use, alcohol abuse, and i have suspicion have neglect, but i don t have hard evidence, it s my word against his. This does not work for judge. I can t seem to find answers anywhere else. Maybe someone else in the same situation can give me pointers. Thank you for taking the time to read this.There are people who are WITNESSES to his ILLEGAL behavior.
Convince those people that your sons life is more important than their "Personal Reasons" That s a bunch of i3ullshhh
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