Thursday, August 23, 2012

Can a Social Anxiety Forum Be the Secret to Full Recovery?

by MichaelTapp If you re currently looking for a good social anxiety forum, then you re almost certainly in the same place I was a couple of years b

social anxiety forums can be a great place to find support to overcome ...
social anxiety forums can be a great place to find support to overcome ...

by MichaelTapp

If you're currently looking for a good social anxiety forum, then you're almost certainly in the same place I was a couple of years back.

And it's easy to understand why so many of us affect with this condition begin searching for this kind of forum. After all, social anxiety disorder, as with all anxiety disorders, can leave you feeling incredibly lonely. Even though many millions of people all around the world suffer with these disorders, it can often feel as if we are the only one going through it at the time.

And that's the great thing about social anxiety forums, and I'm sure that's why you're on the hunt for a great one.

If you can find a great online community, full of people who are all going through the same things you are right now, then it will prove to be one of the best resources you'll ever have in your arsenal as you battle to overcome your social anxiety.

If you're anything like I was, when I was the one looking for a forum, then you're probably wondering where to start looking, or perhaps even wondering what it is you're looking for in the first place.

Well, I looked for quite a while, and the most important thing I learned was to find a forum or community that focuses on recovery. And by "focusing on recovery," I mean that lots of forum members are people who once had social anxiety disorder and have since overcome it.

One of the best things you can ever do for yourself is to surround yourself with this idea of recovery, and there's no better way to do that than hanging out in communities of people who have been where you are now and achieved exactly what it is that you want to achieve in the future.

That's why finding and making use of a great social anxiety forum is such an important step for you to take.

 ... Hamblin  How To Stop Social Phobia & Social Anxiety & be Free
... Hamblin How To Stop Social Phobia & Social Anxiety & be Free
Social Anxiety Medication
Social Anxiety Medication
 ... about social phobia can be found on nimh s social phobia page
... about social phobia can be found on nimh s social phobia page
Heart and Soul with Dr. Thema: Surviving Social Anxiety
Heart and Soul with Dr. Thema: Surviving Social Anxiety

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Answer to Can Social Anxiety Be Cured

Answer to Can Social Anxiety Be Cured I talk about to what extent can social anxiety be overcome how long it takes and also touch on pessimism Visit socialanxiety co uk for more Can a Social Anxiety Forum Be the Secret to Full Recovery?

Commonly question about Can a Social Anxiety Forum Be the Secret to Full Recovery?

Question :

Should I quit the internet due to REALLY bad social anxiety?

So, I m a 16 year old girl and It seems i can t even go onto the social anxiety forum without feeling bad. it s like, i know that place is for support, but i STILL feel like people are judging me over some stupid reply i made or something idiotic I did/said. Sometimes if i post something, and someone doesnt reply to it, (especially if it s a picture) I feel anxious and bad, like What if the person thought i was being ___ or if they thought i was ugly or ____

Ive come to realize i even let people over the internet bother me, even if I know most of them are trolls.. If someone says something bad (racist, homophobic, prejudice) I ll get upset for days on makes no sense. I know i ve always been overly-sensitive, but this is becoming pathetic.

I use to be able to go on the computer with NO fear whatsoever..actually it was the only thing i did..but now, It s like, i just cant. My heart starts to race, and when i stop feeling emotions, I literally become zombiefied and the cruel comments people say on things like Youtube--Or even this website, it makes me hate humans. Makes me feel bitter and have hatred for people. And i HATE hate.

Should I quit the internet? Idk what to do..
Answer :
Yes get off all those sites. W/me it s kind of the same thing, I don t use fb too much, but I do get kind of down when I don t get any posts from anyone. Also when someone doesn t reply to me I check if they have been on fb and it hurts me when they can answer someone else and i get ignored. I m working on not getting worked up about these things. Just delete everything and get outside (I need to work on that too), I know it sucks to lack a social life cause that kind of stuff you listed above will bother you.
Question :

Are people with Social Anxiety lazy to get help?

I hate reading about stories on social anxiety forums and such because it makes me feel HORRIBLE... why are these people still living with this like it s a lifestyle? I honestly feel like forums make it worse sometimes because there are no professionals to give them advice, and the only people giving advice are people with the disorder and their thoughts are already cloudy and fogged up because of their disorder.

What can I do to get better about not feeling bad about them and realizing that life is good and that life can be fair?

Are they just lazy to get help? I don t understand :/ Thanks for your thoughts.
Answer :
No, it s not about laziness, it s about living in paralyzing fear.

Social anxiety disorder is also known as social phobia, an anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear in social situations which causes considerable distress and an impaired ability to function through daily life.

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is not a choice, it s a mental illness. Recovery is long and very difficult even with the best of treatment - which most people do not have. Just having the courage to join an online social anxiety forum is a monumental step into recovery.

SAD is so debilitating, it is referred to as the "illness of lost opportunities."

Question :

How to be more social?

there are people out there who are very social... either online or offline... they can be social either way.. but im un-socialble on and offline.. i just not interesting..

i met this social anxiety forum.. and people there are very interesting and socialble online but they struggle with socializing offline.. but still they are socialble online as in they would chat alot to friends and skype...

but im too shy and boring... im like the worst social anxitey person ever :(
Answer :
Remember this. You are boring only if you think you are boring. And we are all shy sometime and scared but we must remain strong and tough, NO MATTER WHAT. Only person that can help you is yourself. Find that inner strength, I know you have it.
Keep fighting, never surrendering.
Better sign in on some forum. You can t chat much here.

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