Monday, August 27, 2012

Anxiety Chest Pain - How To Recognize It

by thorinside Anxiety chest pain can be a very frightening event. How can you know if you are suffering an anxiety attack, or a true heart attack? R

Why Does Anxiety Cause Chest Pain  How to control anxiety
Why Does Anxiety Cause Chest Pain How to control anxiety

by thorinside

Anxiety chest pain can be a very frightening event. How can you know if you are suffering an anxiety attack, or a true heart attack? Right away, there are key differences you should be aware of. Absolutely it is essential to err on the safe side and see a doctor or go to the Emergency Room with any chest pain. But if you have been diagnosed with anxiety, and your doctor has assured you there is nothing wrong with your heart, then when and if the next episode occurs you will be better prepared to understand what you are dealing with.

There are important differences in the character of chest pain from anxiety, and chest pain from heart attack.

Chest Pain From Anxiety:

If your chest pain is from anxiety, moving around and getting your mind distracted will cause it to ease. Anxiety symptoms will begin to let up as soon as within 10 minutes of onset, and rarely last more than an hour.
If the pain feels "sharp" and is located "over" the heart, breathing in and out and applying pressure on your chest increases it, and it lasts not more than a few minutes, then it is from an anxiety attack.
Chest Pain from Heart Attack:
Heart attack pain sits in the center of the chest, and does not let up after 10 minutes. Moving around will be nearly impossible and you will be unable to focus on anything else.
A heart attack causes a pain that feels like the chest is being crushed or there is an enormous weight upon it.
This pain is much more severe than anxiety chest pain, and will last much longer. Pressure on your chest has no effect and breathing is normal...that is unless fear of heart attack triggers an anxiety attack. Then hyperventilation can occur...rapid breathing, and tingling in the hands resulting from the hyperventilation.

What exactly causes anxiety chest pain?

 ... Chest Pain and Anxiety  How to Stop Chest Pain During Anxiety
... Chest Pain and Anxiety How to Stop Chest Pain During Anxiety
photos of Anxiety Sharp Chest Pain
photos of Anxiety Sharp Chest Pain
photos of Anxiety Left Chest Pain
photos of Anxiety Left Chest Pain
Anxiety Attacks Chest Pain  anxiety attack symptoms in women
Anxiety Attacks Chest Pain anxiety attack symptoms in women

Related video about Anxiety Chest Pain - How To Recognize It

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Understanding Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks -PANICS CURE- cureyouranxietynow-info THE BEST RESOURCE FOR ANXIETY INFORMATION AND TREATMENT Everyone worries gets nervous and concerned Anxiety Chest Pain - How To Recognize It

Commonly question about Anxiety Chest Pain - How To Recognize It

Question :

Is it possible to not recognize my Anxiety?

I have been having anxiety for about 4 weeks now. First i had the thoughts running through my head all the time when it was happening, I would get all clammy and i would sweat and stuff like that. I don t have the running thoughts as much (I think) but i still get really bad anxiety. I can t focus anymore, I can t do anything I used to do. I want it to go away but I can t get it to because every-time i get calm I freak out (irrationally or not) I tried writing all these thoughts down and it helped them go away at least for a little while and then it all comes back. Now i don t have the rushing thoughts (i think) but i still get Anxiety really bad. I fear death and that s what got me into this cycle of anxiety. It causes me chest pain, shortness of breath, shaking, sometimes mind blanks, back pains, i can t calm down all day. I have had heart problems when i was younger, and i had like 3-4 surgeries. It scares me that something could be wrong with my heart i want to live but I m too afraid to do anything. I can clear the anxiety sometimes but it comes back. I feel like no one understands. I went to my doctor about 2 weeks ago and he said i was fine, except that i shouldn t be having that much anxiety. It s hard to listen to any music with feeling. How do I calm down? Should i go see a cardiologist. I feel stupid having to ask for any help what so ever. I like to be alone. Maybe I m also depressed? I just can t stop the thoughts. Please someone help.
Answer :
Hi There.

Sorry to hear you are experiencing this.

Firstly, and foremost, I think you need to seek some medical advice.

It seems to me that there are several issues here, not just anxiety.
The way you described the physiological responses to your anxiety, may be indicative of a panic attack.

It is unusual that this seems to have just surfaced in the last 4 weeks though. Have you had any change in medication recently? Usually anxiety is something that takes a long time to develop, and gradually gets worse with time, if left untreated. I have to be honest, I have never heard of someone just waking up one day, and suffering from it, with no pre-warning.

Before you seek the help of a cardiologist, I would recommend seeing a psychologist. Quite often, mental illness can trigger physical responses, that make you feel like you may be experiencing a heart attack, or similar episode.

The thing you need to keep reminding yourself of, you are not alone, millions of people all over the world suffer from anxiety, it is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, and is very treatable.

Most psychologists will start of by asking you questions, observing you and try to ascertain an exact diagnosis. This can be quite difficult in some cases, as many mental illnesses share similar symptoms. Once diagnosed, treatment will commence. If it is anxiety, they will have to determine exactly what type of anxiety disorder you suffer from. Many people are unaware that there are many different types (generalised anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder etc etc). Treatment for these vary and can include a combination of any of the following: therapy, group therapy, exposure therapy (exposing a person their fear, as a means of overcoming it), coping techniques, teaching you to develop strategies and mechanisms on how to deal with the anxiety, and in some cases medication.

The way you describe your thoughts, as being erratic and unable to be switched off, may mean that you require medication, just to slow things down, and bring you back to a state of rationality, so you are better equipped to deal with the problem. Once you have developed coping mechanisms etc, they will probable slowly ween you off the medication to see how you are progressing.

In the short term - continue writing things down, teach yourself to focus on the positive in situations, rather than the negative. Everytime you feel like you are losing control, practice a breathing technique where you take deep breaths from your stomach, rather than just your chest, this helps to stimulate blood flow, and gets all your internal organs working.

I hope this has been of some assistance to you, and I wish you all the best in the future.


PhD - Forensic Medicine (Genetics)
Question :

How to control my anxiety?

I have been suffering from anxiety all my life, since I was 5 and my parents were divorced I used to have problems with a nervous stomach ache, and it kind of went away. Although, since August it has come back, quite badly. I get chest pains, tingling, dizzyness and I have had one full on anxiety attack in January and ended up in hospital. That was when it was recognised I suffer from anxiety but the doctors haven t really done much. I get chest pains and anxiety attacks about 4-5 times a week and so it leaves me feeling drained and tired, meaning I go to bed at 8pm quite a few nights.
My parents both suffered from anxiety when they were in their teens but the last few weeks I have been getting a lot worse, having to calm myself down and things to ease the chest pains, tingling etc.
The only problem is my exams start in a week and I know that I m not fully prepared and I ve kind of realised I should have gone back to the doctors sooner, I just feel stupid worrying my mum over it...I know before they talked about medication and I said I d try and deal with it myself as I didn t particularly want to go on medication and so I don t drink any caffeine, make sure I eat a good diet of fruit and vegetables, including ones prone to reducing stress and I take vitamin supplements daily, try to reduce stress and have learnt a few relaxation techniques but it s still not fully working

Is there any other way I can deal with my anxiety? Or should I go to the doctors? I m just nervous about potentially starting medication with the side effects of them, which kind of makes me more anxious...I m 17 by the way, if that makes any difference to these things.
Answer :
Have you been offered some form of counselling support, like cbt? That might be useful. If the anxiety is affecting your daily life, I would suggest you try the medication you were offered, but then that s just personal opinion. I get it mildly sometimes, and I find regular excercise, especially when you re stressed, helps. I sometimes go on a jog to clear my head when I think about upcoming exams. Maybe you could try some deep breathing techniques, I ve heard it can help. Do you like music at all? I find it really useful to listen to a really upbeat song that I love, I put it on my ipod, and just try to forget about things. Have you talked to any of your friends about this? Because it could really help, to get things off your chest. If you feel weak by doing that, please don t. Try to talk to someone who would understand, and it honestly helps, I promise you. Do not be afraid to reach for help. If you don t, you won t get any better. The best of luck :)
Question :

Did anyone of you guys had heart ultrasound while having panic or anxiety disorder?

I had two ultrasounds and so many other tests and they were just normal...I just feel that I have no heart... as it is stopped.. very tight feeling... afraid my heart will stop... beats fast and then no pulse... but my doctors told me i am fine... i have these worries 24/7 ...

I feel numb,, dizzy , lightheaded, heavy arms and legs,, heavy head.... pain in back ,neck , shoulders and teeth sometimes... I feel no balance .. as I am standing on a wood that float on water.. my skin has strange sensation of that unbalance.. ( like somoen is moving me right, left, up , down ...) feelings of fainting at any second..

does anyone experience the feeling of no balance? like strange sensation in skin ... moving you ... like someitmes you are flying.. or drawining in the floor... sometimes tall sometimes short... I don t feel that my limbs are mine anymore... but when I touch them I can still have sense... afraid to sleep... afraid to stop breathing.. as I am the one who should take breathe... as my mind is not controling my breathe anymore... I feel there is something in my head that melts down slowly and makes me want to faint or fall down because of the heavy sensation in my head...

the light headed makes me have cold sensation in body like cold water getting inside me ... cold sweat .. and sometimes hot sensation in the chest...

I feel that my limbs are like jelly... can t controle them rightly .. although they move .. but it is hard to explain how I meant.. but maybe you tried it...

when I sleep I wake up suddenly feeling I am dying.. as I am in dream... me not me.. like I have my head so high looking at my body and I don t recognize it... I feel i am dying and panic.. it is depersonalization.. I think .. if I walk I feel like I am drunk and will fall down... when I yawn or eat or drink i feel strange sensation as I should do it fast or I will die because i have to breathe quick..

I feel upset stomach ... IBS .. diarrhea and I havwe the sensation that I have to go tot the toilet so many times ...

I can;t focus .. all what I think is what s wrong with me? I forget the words.. I every stutter ... can t put my eyes into someone eyes... because of dizziness..

I jump from bed because I feel I have fainted ... scary ... : (

heart palpitations is sucks ...

how were u able to tell yourself all what you have is anxiety or panic attack and nothing is wrong?
I have these symptoms 24/7 for 4 years

do u feel what I feel?
do u feel that the air u r getting is not feeding you with oxegen .. as no air getting inside you... or u can t be sure that u r breathing...

now I am typing and feeling as I am going to faint on the keyboard...

tell me about your symptoms.. what tests you have done... how were they? how u spend your life.. how long u have it .. eveyr thing ... thanks

please tell me about u while having panic or anxiety disorder... anyway I have depersonalization , agrophobia, depression .....
Answer :
Friend you are suffering from anxiety which causes these feelings and worries that something is wrong with you. If you visit your GP ask for a referral for some therapy, specifically CBT and this shoukd help. I think it will be hard get better on your own so get a little help so you get better soon :)

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